Saturday, October 10, 2009

TNN: First episode

Okay, we've been working on this "project" for a few months, which is why we went to so many "bar mitzfas" on Saturday after play practice. I'm really excited to get this thing going. We thought up our intro in minutes thanks to ADHD, but we aren't sure what we want our first topic to be. The goal of this is to have a news broadcast/talkshow for teens because the opinions of kids aren't expressed very widely because lack of equipment or something. We don't know where this idea came from, but we welcomed it because it sounded like a lot of fun. We decided to call it TNN: Teen News Network. We have a website, which should have a link to this blog, and we plan on making a Facebook group if you would kindly join us. We are trying to get a lot of publicity, so subscribing to us on Youtube would be greatly appriciated.  Also, on our website, there is a link to merchandise with TNN's current logo. I think some of the money spent at our store goes to us as a donation, but I'm not sure. Anyway, please tell me (us) what you think.

-Shane A. McPartlin


  1. Shane,
    Your awesome! You are gonna be great! Hahaha what am I saying? You already are great!!!

  2. Thanks, Ari! Last Sunday, we spent 6 hours filming the intro to every show... Which will be about 30 seconds or so. However, we think it's going to be hillarious. Because ADHD created it.
