Thursday, August 5, 2010

Band camp

Though the viewers of this blog are few and far spread, I decided to remind you that the school year is once again approaching as I have experienced at band camp, which is basically a school day of Marching Band.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hey guys.
It's obviously been a long time since anyone has updated their blog.
We're talking months, here.
Anyway, here's a summary of what has gone on in the mean time.
School- we've been working hard to maintain our grades

Musicals- I was Bill(-I_-Am) Sykes in Oliver! on the 20 and 21 of March. Which was a long time ago. Niko played Mr. Bumble and had a variety of special chorus parts. Casey was chorus and had special chorus parts as well. He was also the knife grinder. If you missed it, you missed out.
The other musical was Grease. Which I couldn't do. The thing is this: I have always wanted to do grease as it was the first musical I ever saw. I was in fourth grade. I couldn't do it because many other obligations such as Jazz Band on Tuesday afternoons (when play practice was) and Friday mornings. I also couldn't attend the first  Thursday practices because of Ski Club. So, I would've missed the first 8 practices, not to mention the ones after because of Jazz Band. Then I had track which started somewhere in the beginning of April. So, knowing that, I at least offered to help out as stage crew for Mrs. Bokos (who was the producer.) I also slipped into the finally for the last show. I learned the words on the spot. As for Casey and Niko, they obviously made some pretty spunky greasers. Needless to say, they both got huge roles. Niko got Danny and Casey got Kenickie. They both killed the parts (in the good way).

Ladies- Niko went on a date yesterday.

I apologize for the time in which we haven't produced any new shows, but for those of you who read this (and I notice it is a very small number) please, leave a comment. All of our lives have been very, very busy.
This has been a nice time to review the past months.
Shane McPartlin,
with a capital P

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Recently, we summed up our New Moon skit. I would like to clarify that I didn't like the movie and I would not lie about it to score points with a girl. Would you? Why or why not? I have my reasons. What are yours?
Comment on our facebook group or this blog.

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Ideas

Hey guys,
We've had a lot of fun with this thus far, but I personally think it would be even better if you guys told us your opinions and what you do and don't like. The best way to reach me would probably commenting on this blog or sending me a message on facebook. Tell me what you think about the newest episode and also your opinion on the Twilight episode. Should we do a wrap up of it or leave it? We've had about an equal response thus far for both sides, and I personally think we should revisit it, but tell me what you think. Thanks,
Shane A. McPartlin
 P.S. You stay classy,

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Break is over.

Hey, guys.
The play ended about two weeks ago. We had four great performances. It was a lot of fun, and I am planning on doing "Oliver!" in the spring.
Other than that, we all have been very busy. Today we got back together and did some filming for the first time in a long, long time. We thought up some pretty good topics, and our filmer thought the entire thing was hillarious. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see it.
To find out about these new topics and laughs, stay tunned for our next video!
Have a good day,

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dr. Mykee

Today, there was a very cool assembly at our school. A man named Micheal Fowlin came to our school and talked about diversity and stereo types of kids and etc. Something I found very interesting about this was how he said everybody wears a "mask" when they are not at home and that hides how they really are. This is very true. I cannot sum up all the things he said, as he had so many good things to say. It was probably the first assembley that have ever been worth the time, and I believe my fellow anchors agree with me. He has a website:

If you go to our school, please comment about what you thought about Mykee. I really thought this was a worthwhile experience.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First topic

I'm looking for a lighter topic for our first broadcast. If you have any ideas, please comment. I was thinking something about getting older. Like, is it ok to watch kids animated movies like Robots or play an E rated game like Mario Cart or Pokémon (Should you be able to do it without ridicule?). Tell me what you think. Thanks! Stay classy.

-Shane A. McPartlin